GIST Cancer UK News

Please see the latest news, research and findings below...

New Sarcoma & GIST – Early diagnosis course for Health Professionals

GIST Cancer UK are delighted to have worked with online cancer education specailists GatewayC to develop a new course available to health professionals entitled ‘Sarcoma -Early Diagnosis’. GIST is classified as a Sarcoma This new course aims to support identification and early diagnosis of Sarcoma and GIST and increase confidence in clinical decision-making regarding referral […]

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Jane’s Story

Hello, my name is Jane Lochrie. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been a little plump, constantly tired and sleeping. It was a standard joke about “how long could Jane stay awake?”. As life went on; career, marriage, children…. there was always an excuse about why I was fat. Everybody; doctor, friends, […]

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Virtual Patients’ Meeting, October 2021

We held our second “Virtual” GCUK Patient & Carer meeting in on 14th October 2021 and were joined by seventy-five patients and carers to see and hear presentations from our specialist friends: Dr Carys Morgn & Dr Ramesh Bulusu who gave a fantastic presentation on the use of “Radiotherapy in GIST Cancer“. GIST patient carer and […]

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