GCUK Private Online Patient/Carer Forum (Listserv) User Guide


GCUK operates a private online patient & carer discussion/question and answer forum known as the Listserv.

The GCUK Listserv patient/carer forum has operated since our charity started in 2009. Through time many thousands of GIST patients and carers have shared information and helped and supported each other to manage individual situations related to GIST, in a private, specialist patient community. We encourage open discussion on all topics that are relevant to GIST and ask that members observe commonly accepted standards of etiquette and act responsibly and courteously when interacting with other members of our GIST forum. Please ensure that you follow our social media policy

Patients and carers who join our forum can email the group to ask questions, exchange information and discuss any issues related to GIST. It is a safe and secure place to meet and learn from others who have experience of similar situations.

**(Please note that when you contribute to the forum discussion, your email address will be visible to all participants).

As stated in the disclaimer on our website https://www.gistcancer.org.uk/disclaimer-notice/ advice given on the GCUK Listserv is that of patients and carers. Any opinions expressed in a posting are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official view of GCUK. Medical advice should always be sought from those responsible for your treatment.

The LISTSERV system is hosted for us by: LSOFT.

To join the Listserv: please register with us using the following link: Join GCUK Listserv

For queries concerning Listserv or to change your email address, please contact its@gistcancer.org.uk.

To unsubscribe from the GISTCANCERUK Listserv email to: GISTCANCERUK-SIGNOFF-REQUEST@COMMUNITY.LSOFT.COM or click the following link: Unsubscribe GCUK Listserv

LISTSERV user guide and best practice:

Please note:

  • The Listserv will only accept plain text messages
  • Please do not include images, pictures or signatures as this will cause your email to be rejected.
  • Responding to several posts in one email: It is OK (and recommended) to use one message to reply/respond to messages sent by several others, since this also helps to reduce mail volume. It’s also a good idea to quote *just a little* of the post to which you are responding so we know what you are replying to but please *don’t* quote the whole post over again.
  • When to post to the listserv: Sometimes it is appropriate to reply directly to the person who sent the email and other times it is appropriate to reply to the entire list. Please send an email directly to the individual – – if it is strictly personal (like a birthday greeting, best wishes, congratulations, etc).
  • Send a message to the whole list, GISTCANCERUK@COMMUNITY.LSOFT.COM whenever it’s a question to which you want lots of answers, or if more than just one person would benefit from reading it, or if it’s an addition to an ongoing discussion among the group.

Changing your options with ListServ

Listserv subscribers with a password can select from:

  • real-time e-mail
  • daily digest (one message per day containing all posts from the previous 24 hours)
  • no-mail (no messages are sent to your email address, but you can still read all the daily posts on the Archives page and send posts to the list).

If you find that you receive too many emails or you are going on holiday, there is no need to leave the list, you can switch to “digest” or to “no mail” to avoid your email box filling up while you are away. You can catch up with emails using the Archives (see Search the Archives).

To change your subscription options, connect via:


Remember to click the button “UPDATE OPTIONS” to make your choices effective. You can change your options as often as you like!

If you need help with this, we can do it for you. Just email us at: ITS@GISTCANCER.ORG.UK and let us know which option you prefer.