13th July is GIST Cancer Awareness Day!

As you may be aware, GIST Cancer UK is the only charity in the UK concentrating specifically on GIST Cancer. 
We have launched our “GIST CANCER AWARENESS DAY APPEAL” because we need your help to make up the shortfall in our income due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

The vast majority of our funding comes from patients, their families & friends and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who raise funds on our behalf, allowing us to continue with our vital work.

We recognise that many who wish to fundraise struggle to find the time, but there are lots of ways that you can support us that are time efficient and don’t involve strenuous exercise!

Collect your spare change in one of our collection boxes
Send a cheque to our Treasurer made out to either GCUK or PAWS-GIST (send to John South 5 Monks Way, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 7ER)
Set up a Direct Debit (HSBC bank, Sort Code: 40-41-57 GCUK A/C: 90078689 or PAWS-GIST  A/C: 20345547)
• Make a donation via our Just Giving page / Virginmoneygiving page
• Urge your employer to make GIST Cancer their sponsored Charity
Text 70191 with the word GIST or PAWS to donate £10.00.

There are more ideas on our website www.gistcancer.org.uk/donationsfundraising/

Your donation will allow us to continue our mission to put rare GIST Cancer patients on the agenda in the UK by:

• Investing in PAWS-GIST (both the clinic and research)
• Providing our telephone help line (manned by GIST patients)
• Maintaining our private online GIST patients/carer forum
• Providing up-to-date information and advice via our website and booklets
• Facilitating and supporting The National GIST Tissue Bank & Registry
Stimulating and funding vital GIST research (raising awareness with researchers and access to new treatments).

Thank you for listening and we hope we can rely upon your support!


Posted in GIST News.