GIST Cancer UK appoints 3 new trustees to the board

GIST Cancer UK is excited to announce that we have appointed three new trustees. The charity is made up of a board of volunteer trustees, many of whom are GIST patients or carers.

The New trustees, Tony Manuel, Jane Means and Terry Riley bring a range of crucial skills and experience to help the charity continue its great work.

Tony was diagnosed with wild type GIST in 2019.

Tony says “I have found the support and information provided by GIST cancer UK invaluable during this difficult period so I’m pleased to offer my help as a trustee”

With Tony’s background in business and engineering, he will be acting as Shadow treasurer and as part of the IT team.


Jane is well known in the gift wrapping world and often appears on TV and in the press. She heads the marketing and social media in her company and is delighted to be joining us as a trustee.

Jane says “ I was in complete shock after learning I’ve got a GIST in 2019. With few answers from doctors I was desperate for information and support and turned to GIST Cancer UK. The forum was so supportive and I learnt so much on the patient day that I wanted to give something back to the charity and help raise awareness”


Terry was delighted to be elected as a trustee for GCUK earlier this year.

 He says “my diagnosis in 2016 came as a total shock and I’m not yet free of GIST”.

Terry will be supporting the IT department and ListServ forum.



At the end of June 2020 David Falconer and Victoria Bassett retired as GCUK Trustees.

David FalconerVictoria BassettBoth have volunteered their skills and experience to GCUK for many years and we are very grateful for the significant contributions they have made to our work to improve treatments and find a cure for GIST cancer.



Posted in GIST News.