Farewell and Thank you Stella…

Stella Turner is stepping down as a Trustee for GIST Cancer UK at the end of April 2022.
After nearly five years of volunteering her time and skill, Stella is keen to thank all the amazing fundraisers she has worked with since she took on the role of GCUK’s Fundraising Lead a couple of years ago.


“It really has been a pleasure working with you all, your commitment and hard work is truly inspiring. Without people like you GCUK wouldn’t be able to invest in developing and improving the services it offers to GIST patients and their families or continue to fund research projects designed to further understanding of GIST cancer and develop new treatments to improve the outlook for GIST patients”.
“It has been very rewarding working with my fellow Trustees, contributing to GCUK’s strategic direction. The charity really has come a long way over the last few years and I am sure it will continue to grow and improve in the future. I have enjoyed supporting you all (sending out fundraising materials etc. and am proud of the grant funding I have secured from a variety of sources in addition to raising funds through my own activities (coffee mornings, plant sales and sponsored walks). I would recommend the role of Trustee to anyone keen to make a difference and who is looking for a new challenge”.
“I wish David Lane, who is taking over responsibility for leading GCUK’s fundraising activities, the very best of luck. I am sure he will bring lots of fresh ideas to the role and under his guidance, with your continued support, the fundraising will go from strength to strength.
I wish you all the very best for the future”.
Kind regards

Thank you so much Stella, you have done a great job for GIST Cancer UK & PAWS-GIST and we have loved working with you.

Good luck for the future from everyone at GCUK x

GIST Cancer UK is always looking for new Trustees so if you are interested, please drop us a line at admin@gistcancer.org.uk

Posted in GIST News.