EORTC funded Symptom Based Questionnaire project – 2013

Thanks to a great response from our meeting, listserve, facebook, twitter & on our website the trial below is now closed. Dr Sodergren extends her thanks and will be in contact with us again in the future.

Trial Request (CLOSED)

At our meeting in October 2013, Dr Samantha Sodergren came to request our help to recruit GIST patients to take part in a short study.

  • The aim of the project is to develop a questionnaire to measure the side effects experienced as a result of targeted therapies such as imatinib and sunitinib
  • They have carried out an extensive literature search but would like to invite individuals who have GIST and who have been treated with biological therapy to a short telephone interview to talk about the side-effects experienced as a result of therapy
  • If you are interested in being involved with this research or would like further information, please contact the study co-ordinator:

Dr Samatha Soderfren

Email: S.C.Sodergren@soton.ac.uk

Tel: 02380 794308 or

Write to: Cancer Sciences, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD

further details on: www.cancerresearchuk.org

Posted in GIST News.