2014 Meetings reports
There were 2 meetings this year: Leeds, UK (April 2014) | Birmingham, UK (October 2014) - see below...
Leeds, UK meeting - April 2014
- The role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) - Maxine Eades and Gill Quarrell
1.) The role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) - Maxine Eades and Gill Quarrell
Birmingham, UK meeting - October 2014
- The Role of Mutational Analysis - Dr Phillipe Taniere (QEH Birmingham)
- Adjuvant Therapy, Who it's for and the Benefits - Dr David Peake (QEH Birmingham)
1.) The Role of Mutational Analysis - Dr Phillipe Taniere (QEH Birmingham)
2.) Adjuvant Therapy, Who it's for and the Benefits - Dr David Peake (QEH Birmingham)